Dismounting and mounting of shrinking connections
It is a big challenge to dismount shrink fits in the area of wheel set maintenance, because of very tightened connections between ring and shaft. Towards mechanical dismounting methods which often damages the bearing rings the middle frequency technology has a lot of benefits.
With especially developed induction equipment from LEIFERT INDUCTION the operator gets individual tools of inner bearing ring induction coils and labyrinth ring induction coils.
The construction of the induction coils are very close to the customer to get an optimized and much efficient tooling.
The induction coil transfers very high energy densities into the work pieces. Already well before the shaft will extend the inner bearing ring and the labyrinth ring obtain sufficient temperature to remove very easily.
Very sophisticated pull down appliances which are integrated in the induction coil make it very easy to operate. The average time for dismounting takes approximately 30 – 40 sec.